División de Educación Continua y Estudios Profesionales

Prof. Dra. Betty Ramírez Nieves


Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
Ph.D. Computer Science


Experiencias profesionales:


Work History

Professor- Teacher Preparation Program- University of PR- Mayaguez- 2007 to present

Professor- Department of Mathematics -University of PR- Mayaguez- 1970 to 2004

Chairperson- Department of Mathematics - University of PR -Mayaguez- 1979 to 1981


1993 – Present
Director and Consultant for various projects in the academic field including:

·       Mathematics consultant and reviewer on line courses for Project K-16, UPR

·       Mathematics consultant and editor for UPR- CRAIM Project: Mathematics in Context.

·       Using Technology to Enhance the Teaching of Pre-calculus and Calculus, sponsored by NSF

·       Title II project, Saturday Academy for High School Mathematics Students.

·       Using CBL- Technology to Enhance Science Education in Puerto Rico, sponsored by  NASA.

·        Regional Technology Centers for Mathematics and Science Teachers, sponsored by NASA.

·       President of the PAEMST Committee (Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science)

- Year 2000-2003.

In Search Of the Academic Excellence of Teachers and Students from High Scholl in Route to the New Aptitude and Achievement Admission Test, sponsored by The College Board.


Advisor for High School student math Instructors

·       Oversees the training and development of new math teachers for the Puerto Rico Department of Education.

·       Mathematics consultant and editor for UPR- CRAIM Project: Mathematics in Context.

·       Member of the College Board Academic Aptitude Test Committee (PAA) since 1995 to present


Investigaciones y Publicaciones:

· "Manual de Actividades Interdisciplinarias para el maestro de Ciencias y Matemáticas", published in Congreso Caribeño de Tecnología en la Enseñanza

· "What Students Need to Know about their Graphics Calculators”

· "Modulo de Ecuaciones Diferenciales usando MATHEMATICA"

· “Algebra: ¿Cómo y Cuándo?” – Presented in the College Board congress

· “Using technology in the classroom”

· "Regional Technology Centers for Science And Mathematics Teachers"- “Inspiring for the New Millennium "

· CBL-Technology to Improve Science Education

· "A formal Study of Forward Reasoning Consistency in KBS's", joint paper with L.M. Laita of Universidad Politécnica de   Madrid, Eurovav'93, sponsored by The Comission of the European Communities(CEC), p. 209-216.


Curso(s) que enseña(n) en el PPMES:

Práctica Docente de la Enseñanza de
Matemáticas (Edpe 4146)

Servicios a la comunidad:


Organizaciones profesionales:

Coordinator of Presidential Award of Excellence for Mathematics Teachers (from 1998-2004
Member of the Executive Committee for the PAA in College Board


Dirección electrónica:


División de Educación Continua y Estudios Profesionales
Teléfono: (787) 832-4040 ext. 2469
Fax: (787) 831-7445

División de Educación Continua y Estudios Profesionales
Call Box 9000, Mayagüez PR 00681-9000

Correo: educon@uprm.edu