División de Educación Continua y Estudios Profesionales

Prof. Carlos E. Quiñones Padovani


Ph.D. Physical Education Teacher Education

Experiencias profesionales:

2009-Present                        Faculty member, University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez 

2005-2008            Graduate Teaching/Research Assistant, The Florida State University.

2003-2005          Graduate Administrative/Research Assistant, The Ohio State University. 

2003-2005          Volunteer/Motor Development Lab. Teacher, The Ohio State University Child Care Center.


Pre-service Teacher Education:  Courses taught include foundations in physical education, elementary teaching methods in Physical Education, and practicum in movement education.

Supervision:  Supervision of student teachers and Physical Education majors at The Florida State University. 

Lifetime Activity Program Instructor:  Activity type courses (physical activity classes) taught to undergraduate students at The Florida State University.

Nominated for the Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award (The Florida State University, Fall 2007)

Best Empirical Quantitative Research Design/Study (The Ohio State University, Autumn 2005).



Goodway, J.D.,Chong, A.R., Lorson, K., Quiñones-Padovani, C.E., Lee, S.H., Segarra-Román, A. & Rudisill, M. (April 2005)  Developmental Pathways in Throwing Resulting from Throwing Instruction with Preschool Children, Research Consortium poster presentation at the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (AAHPERD) national convention & exposition, Chicago, IL.

Quiñones-Padovani, C.E., Leech, J.R., Hagood, S.Y. (January, 2007).  Stretch and Relaxation Techniques, Presentation at Sharing the Wealth Elementary Middle and High School Physical Education Conference, Jekyll Island, Georgia.

Hagood, S.Y., Palelis, A., Quiñones-Padovani, C.E., & Lynn, S.  (January 2007).  Take the Challenge Change your Physical Activity Culture, Presentation at Sharing the Wealth Elementary Middle and High School Physical Education Conference, Jekyll Island, Georgia.

Lynn, S., Hagood, S.Y., & Quiñones-Padovani, C.E. (January, 2007).  Assessment it’s About Time.  Presentation at Sharing the Wealth Elementary Middle and High School Physical Education Conference, Jekyll Island, Georgia.

Goodway, J.D., Quiñones-Padovani, C.E., Segarra-Román, A.,Robinson,L.E., & Hugo, J. (June, 2005).  Developmental Trajectories in the Throwing Profiles of Hispanic Preschoolers Resulting from Motor Skill Intervention, Presentation at North American Society for Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity (NASPSPA) St. Petersburg, FL.

Goodway, J.D., Quiñones-Padovani, C.E., Segarra-Román, A., Robinson,L.E., & Hugo, J. (May 2005).  Developmental Trajectories in the Throwing Profiles of Hispanic Preschoolers Resulting from Motor Skill Intervention, Presentation at the Motor Development Research Consortium, University of Delaware, Newark, DE.

Quiñones-Padovani, C.E., Leech, J.R., Hagood, S.Y. (October, 2006).  Stretch and Relaxation Techniques, Presentation at the Florida Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Dance, and Sports (FAHPERDS), Orlando, FL.

 Ratliffe, T., Mosier, B., Quiñones-Padovani, C.E., Leech, T.  (Fall, 2005).  Strategies for Conducting Physical Fitness Testing in Elementary, Middle, & High School.  Presentation at the Florida Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Dance, and Sports (FAHPERDS), Orlando, FL.



Quiñones-Padovani, C.E., (2009).  Do psychological variables change students’ physical activity behavior during the transition time from late elementary to junior high school? Physical Activity Today.

Quiñones-Padovani, C.E., (2008).  Girls’ soccer performance and motivation: Games vs. technique approach [Review of the article in Perceptual & Motor Skills].  Retrieval and Review, Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 27(2), 255-256. 

Quiñones-Padovani, C.E., (2007).  Can pedometers change physical activity behaviors and perceptions in high school students? Physical Activity Today, 12(4), 4.


Curso(s) que enseña(n) en el PPMES:

Supervisor Práctica Docente en Educación Física 

Servicios a la comunidad

2003– 2005 Volunteer/Motor Development Lab. Teacher, The Ohio State University Child Care Center.


Organizaciones profesionales:

AAHPERD – American Alliance for Health Physical Education Recreation and Dance

NASPE – National Asociation for Sports and Physical Education

PRAHPERD – Puerto Rico Alliance for Health Physical Education Recreation and Dance


Dirección electrónica:


División de Educación Continua y Estudios Profesionales
Teléfono: (787) 832-4040 ext. 2469
Fax: (787) 831-7445

División de Educación Continua y Estudios Profesionales
Call Box 9000, Mayagüez PR 00681-9000

Correo: educon@uprm.edu